Organizational Development, Talent Acquisition, Interim Support

Barbag founded Consulting For A Cause (CFC), a results-oriented fundraising and organizational-development consulting firm, in 2012.  CFC works collaboratively with nonprofit organizations to increase support and strengthen impact.  Her clients include the Food Bank for Westchester, CHOICE of New Rochelle, Open Door Family Medical Center, Latino U College Access, New Westchester Symphony Orchestra, Community Based Services and Stop Stigma Now.  CFC is honored to have received 2013’s New Business of the Year Award from the Chappaqua-Millwood Chamber of Commerce.
Paula is a Certified Fundraising Executive (CFRE) with more than 30 years of business experience in fundraising, marketing and human resources.  At Richmond Community Services, where she worked for many years, Barbag created the Human Resources department and managed the function for 550 staff.  She executed the corporate HR strategy, recruitment, compensation and benefits administration, employee relations, training and development of staff, best employment practices, hiring procedures, compensation issues, unemployment and worker’s compensation.  She possesses broad leadership expertise within startup, turnaround challenges and rapid growth situations.
Paula earned her Masters of Fundraising Management degree from Columbia University, her MBA in Personnel and Industrial Relations degree from Fairleigh Dickinson University and a Professional Certificate in Philanthropy and Fundraising from New York University.
Paula’s experience in the nonprofit community includes her work with the Association of Development Officers (ADO).  Paula has worked with ADO for over 20 years and served as its president from 2011 to 2013.  In March of 2015, ADO awarded Paula with the Peter J. Gallagher Award for Leadership and Service to ADO.

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