Board + Executive Coaching
Our coaching takes into account the need for a roles and responsibilities framework so board members and executive directors have guidelines about their spheres of influence. We also focus on building trust between board and executive director so they have the freedom to contribute their best selves to the partnership.1
Sometimes, organizations ask us to coach the executive director, who may be in their first senior leadership role and/or in need of assistance with specific competency areas, like making presentations or writing clear reports. If it becomes clear that the executive director is not a good fit for the organization, we help them move on with dignity and grace.
We use the Appreciative Inquiry (AI) framework in our coaching because, in our experience, people learn more when we ask them questions that require introspection. We find they are also more responsive when we encourage them to embrace their own leadership styles rather than pointing out what is wrong with them.
Our services include:
- Conducting board self-assessments and implementing the findings with your organization’s board.
- Reviewing and suggesting changes to by-laws and other governance documents to streamline board processes and procedures.
- Coaching executive directors new in their roles and/or grappling with difficult management challenges.
- Evaluating your executive director’s competency and fit with your organization.