Mergers + Acquisitions

In today’s competitive climate, you probably think all the time about how best to deliver your organization’s services while remaining financially viable. We envision a spectrum of options from staying completely independent to merging and/or being acquired. If you are thinking about a merger, we can help you through the process.
Mergers are one way to extend your reach geographically, add a new suite of programs without developing them from scratch and/or open the door to new forms of funding. Mergers can also be a huge distraction from the work of running your organization. At H2Growth, we understand the opportunities and challenges presented by complex choices and competing priorities. We can help you navigate through them to a successful merged organization or a decision to remain independent.
Post-merger integration is the point at which most mergers fail (Arby’s and Wendy’s, Bank of America and Countrywide). With Appreciative Inquiry as a framework to facilitate post-merger integration, we interview managers and supervisors to find out what they think their unit or department does best and what they would advise you, the leaders of the merged organization, to do to make the merger a success. We begin with the end in mind: to motivate employees to continue their best work after the merger or acquisition.
Our services include:
  • Assessing your organization’s readiness to consider merger.
  • Identifying and evaluating potential partners for fit.
  • Developing possible integration models, including governance, management and operations.
  • Negotiating and reaching a mutual agreement between the parties.
  • Developing an integration roadmap to identify who should do what after the merger and establish benchmarks and deadlines for particular actions, like communications, to occur.
Deliverables include criteria for evaluating merger partners, integration models for consideration and the integration roadmap.

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